How To Get More Reviews

Would you like to get more reviews on Google and across your social media channels?

If you have a great product or service and people are happy with what you’re doing, then of course you would! If you receive a lot of complaints or refund requests then, err, this may not be a great strategy for you…

In this blog I’ll cover how you can get more reviews, the benefits of getting more reviews, and even give you a template you can copy and paste and implement in your business today.

Here’s how to get more reviews

This may seem a novel idea, but the best way to get more reviews is to ask for them!

Who’d have thought?

But the secret to success with this strategy is how you ask.

While many people are happy to help a small business by offering a review, they’re usually busy, so it’s important you make it as easy as possible for them.

To do this, you want to keep your request to the point, and direct them to the place you want a review by linking directly to the pages you want a review on.

If someone has to go and find your page first, they’re much less likely to help you out.

I like to give two options; Facebook and Google. Not everyone is on Facebook, but most people will have a Google account. You can change these options to platforms you’re looking to grow (especially if your target market is on an alternate platform) but to start out, these two heavy hitters are a good launching pad.

The benefits of getting more reviews

If you’re able to get more reviews than your competitors (positive reviews that is) then you’re able to influence how people see and trust your brand, and you get a great boost in local SEO.

Google can ‘read’ Google reviews, so if they believe your small business is offering a better service than a big retail chain, they will put your business higher up in the local search results.

Now it may be tempting to go onto a platform like Fiverr and buy reviews to give your business a boost, and that would be a big mistake.

These reviews will (at best) leave a random and unrelated comment, and are easy to spot as being fake.

A genuine review will share information about your product or service, and be a benefit to the person reading it.

Review Request Email Template

Simply copy and paste this email into your CRM, tweak the fields accordingly, save it as a template, then send out monthly to your new clients.

The below example is specific to Facebook reviews, but you could also add Google, or swap Facebook for another platform of your choice, such as Yelp.

Hi <first name>,

I’m writing today with a small request. You’ve no doubt heard the saying ‘If you’re happy with our service, tell others. If you’re not happy with our service, tell us’.

As a small business owner, it’s really important to me that you are happy with our service and that we continue to meet and exceed the expectations you have of the team and I.

If you are happy with the service we provide you, we’d really appreciate it if you could take a moment to ‘tell others’ by leaving a review on our Facebook page.

Here’s a link to the page where you can leave your review at <write the name and then hyperlink to your Facebook page>.

If for any reason you are not happy with our service or there are areas where you think we can improve, I would love to hear from you directly – it’s only by being aware of your concerns or issues that we can address them.

Please reply directly to this with any feedback you may have and I will address it personally.

Thanks in advance for your feedback – it’s greatly appreciated.

<sign off>

How to get more reviews: The Conclusion

Getting more reviews about your business gives you something money can’t buy – trust.

If you’re not asking your clients to give you reviews, then you’re missing a golden (and free) opportunity to get more eyeballs on your business, and you’re missing out on more potential business from coming your way.

If you utilise the template I have given you above, and make a diary entry to send it to your new contacts once a month, your return on investment will be huge.

You spend a few minutes each month sending an email, and in return, you have people sharing information on what a positive experience they had with your company – it’s a no brainer.

If you’re really smart, you could then use quotes from these reviews as posts across your social media channels…

Have you ever asked for reviews before? How did it go? Let me know in the comments!

Posted in

Jarrod Partridge


  1. Djonic Technologies on April 28, 2020 at 12:26 pm

    Its nicely explained and it will definitely help for small business. Generally local business can get more profit for ranking on search engine and TRUST.

    There are one more way to create influence and trust and that is LInkedin. As like facebook, linkedin will play best role more that facebook. So entrepreneur or small business owner can request for a recommendation or reviews through linkedIn.

    I really like the reviews template Idea 🙂

    • Jarrod Partridge on April 28, 2020 at 12:31 pm

      Thank you!

      That’s a great point, people could ask for ‘endorsement’ of their skills on LinkedIn so they can reach people who are looking for specific skills to solve a problem they’re having. It would also help word of mouth referral, as people would be happy to refer a contact they know who is highly skilled in a particular area.

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