How To Build A Compelling Landing Page

If you’re looking to build a compelling landing page to move people through your sales funnel, then you need to make it compelling enough to attract visitors to perform certain intended actions such as filling out an opt-in form or making a call. Sounds simple right? Yet so many people overcomplicate the process and mess it up.

One big question you should ask yourself first is “What does it take to give your landing pages the best chance ever of a performing as expected??

If you want to enrich yourself with some strategies, read on…

Develop a Striking Headline

Don’t ever think of considering one element alone- but if you want to, then I would really suggest you spend most of your energy and time developing a striking headline.

I have a colleague of mine who once testified that he had to pay up to $1,000 for a copywriter to help him come up with a catchy headline and admits to date that it was one of the best investments he has ever pushed into his business.

This is for one valid reason- a headline is undoubtedly the driving force behind any successful page and all other content on the page will mean little or nothing if your visitors don’t read on.

Yes, it is crazy how just a few short words are going to have such a great impact on your landing page.

Always see to it that your headline is engaging and benefit driven if you seek optimum results.

A great rule of thumb is to use a headline that uses an ‘open question’ rather than a ‘closed question.

A closed question gives a yes/no answer, so a headline with a closed question would be ‘Want to lose weight?’

An open question elicits a response and causes the reader to think. An example would be ‘What would you do with an extra $1000 per week?’

Open questions get the reader to start to feel how their life will become better if they have what your headline asks, and they will feel encouraged to read on…

Bullet points will make a huge difference

If you are ever going to get anything else from this post, you must remember this every time; with attention spans shorter than ever, most people don’t fully read content they consume online- they scan over it.

So filling up your page with paragraph upon paragraph of industry jargon is really going to turn off visitors- in the end, do you more harm than good and also pull down your conversion rates.

Good bullet points will:

  • Outline the benefits succinctly
  • Break up the slabs of text on your page
  • Catch the readers attention if they are only scanning your content

You may consider using simple and concise, benefit-driven bullet points instead of the cluster of lengthy descriptions which may not be read anyway.

What you should do instead is to take out the paragraphs of benefits and features, and condense them down into bullets to increase conversions.

Add some images

Images are known everywhere to communicate faster than words- on the same note; they give more meaning when it comes to building a high converting landing page. However, you must be warned that you should be using them tastefully and not cluttering the page with meaningless images. This is equally important and includes the background images.

Too many images can slow down your page, and nothing sees people close a browser faster than a page that takes an eternity to upload.

You can access great quality stock images for free from websites such as Unsplash.

Clarity in your intentions

You should always make sure that your landing page does one thing. Carefully handhold your visitor as you guide them down the path of least resistance to the desired place/ action you want them to take.

When you employ these techniques, you set yourself up to have a successful landing page.

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Jarrod Partridge

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